

Michelle Eggink, Assistant Director of Content Marketing & 通信
Left to Right: President Weinman, 蒂姆的女性, Lori Cassia-Decker, George Decker ’77, and Executive Vice President Geoffrey Brackett. Photo by Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

11月13日, 2023年的今天,圣母学院的朋友和社区领袖齐聚一堂,在学院第54届年度社区早餐会上为三位杰出人士庆祝. 凯文·温曼校长向1977年的乔治·德克尔和洛里·卡西亚·德克尔颁发了总统奖, Co-Founders of 光明天使, 和蒂姆·马西, Chief Marketing/Public Affairs Officer at Rhinebeck Bank, 感谢他们多年来对哈德逊河谷人民的奉献.

Community members applauding honorees at the Community Breakfast.
Community leaders applauding honorees at the Community Breakfast. Photo by Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

George Decker '77和Lori Cassia-Decker,天使之光的联合创始人

Photo by Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Founded in 2012, the Decker's nonprofit, 光明天使 of Millbrook, N.Y., 协助当地有孩子的家庭面临危及生命的健康挑战,以及他们的任何需求:医疗费用, 气体, 公用事业公司, 食物, 住宿, 节日礼物, and other essential resources. 他们最近还在米德哈德逊地区医院赞助了一个输液室,这样当地的孩子就可以在家附近接受治疗.

乔治·德克尔和洛里·卡西亚-德克尔全心全意地信奉圣母为他人和社区服务的核心原则,” said President Weinman. “他们一生致力于慈善事业,体现了玛丽斯特坚定不移的服务承诺.”

内特·莫尔斯, 她是bet亚洲365欢迎投注的一年级学生,2019年脊髓受伤, can attest to the significant impact of 光明天使's services. 在内特康复期间,该组织帮助了莫尔斯一家,成为他们的家人.

“The Deckers are an extremely caring and generous family, and I wouldn’t be where I am today if they weren’t in my life!” said Morse '27.

从左到右:Lori Cassia-Decker, 内特·莫尔斯 '27和George Decker '77.
从左至右:Lori Cassia-Decker, 内特·莫尔斯 '27和George Decker '77. Photo by Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

光明天使已经为哈德逊山谷的2000多名儿童送去了1万多件礼物. 乔治在金融领域有着杰出的职业生涯,并在新视野资源(New Horizons resources)做志愿者,这是一家为发育性残疾人士提供服务的机构. Lori一直在健康和健身行业工作,自1983年以来一直是几个慈善事业和组织的有力倡导者和志愿者.

“Our story began with providing 节日礼物 for children, and we've since expanded our efforts, which has been a blessing that fills our hearts,” said Lori Cassia-Decker. “我们的目标是为家庭提供他们需要的支持,让孩子们感到特别和安慰, 向他们保证,他们永远不会孤单,他们的社区总是惦记着他们,为他们祈祷.”


President Weinman 和蒂姆·马西.
President Weinman 和蒂姆·马西.
Photo by Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

蒂姆·马西为哈德逊河谷社区服务了几十年,其中包括担任bet亚洲365欢迎投注首席公共事务官17年, 并在波基普西校区和国外担任了20年的兼职教授. Throughout his career, Massie mentored and advised hundreds of students, fostering personal and professional connections far and wide.

“30多年来,蒂姆·马西一直是bet亚洲365欢迎投注家族和bet亚洲365欢迎投注故事的核心人物,” said President Weinman, 称赞他“在提升学院的全国知名度方面发挥了关键作用”, attracting prominent speakers to campus, showcasing the accomplishments of students and faculty, 让bet亚洲365欢迎投注在高调的活动和全国性的谈话中有发言权和一席之地.”

除了他过去在bet亚洲365欢迎投注和莱茵贝克银行的工作,马西是一个受托人 Dyson Foundation, 这是一家在哈德逊河谷中部推动非营利组织和变革社区项目的慈善组织. He has served on over 60 nonprofit boards throughout his career.

Massie has made history in numerous respects. He and his husband, 彼得•克拉克, 创造了历史,成为第一对获得“年度家庭”荣誉的同性伴侣 家庭 Services of New York. 他们是2011年纽约州通过婚姻平等法案后,第一对在达奇斯县结婚的同性伴侣. 马西也是波基普西市最年轻的市长, serving on the Board of Education at the age of 23.

马西还获得了许多奖项,包括由美国音乐协会颁发的“年度最佳盟友”奖 Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network in Collier County, Florida, the "Champion of Justice Award" from Legal Services of the Hudson Valley, and received the City & State magazine’s Corporate Social Responsibility Award.

Image of Pete Clark 和蒂姆·马西.
Pete Clark 和蒂姆·马西. Photo by Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

虽然马西为哈德逊河谷社区做出了许多显著的贡献, 在他的职业生涯中,他最引以为傲的是他为这么多bet亚洲365欢迎投注学生和校友提供的指导和生活指导.

“I always thought of myself as a connector, bringing people together for the mutual benefit of all parties,马西说。. “20多年来,我试图把这种角色灌输给我在bet亚洲365欢迎投注教过或指导过的学生. It's networking, yes, but it's more than that. 它是帮助他人,知道善良和慷慨会产生善良和慷慨. 它是尊重每个人,对他们的生活处境感同身受, being there for someone when they're in need, as you yourself may be one day.”

为mer Track and Field student-athlete and economics major, Steve Rizzo '18, shared how Tim was instrumental in his life.

里佐说:“我很感激能从蒂姆这样的人那里学习和指导。. “多亏了蒂姆,我才能找到所有的实习机会和大学毕业后的第一份工作,因为他把我和玛丽斯特学院的校友和他的密友联系在了一起. 蒂姆不仅帮助我进入了竞争激烈的公司,让我的事业起飞, but he’s become a part of my family.”

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